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New Deans Join UNC

October 19, 2021

今年夏天,三位新院长加入了博天堂官方,他们对学生有着共同的愿景和承诺 success.  

As the university community returned to campus this semester, they welcomed three new leaders. 每个人都以学生为中心,为他们的大学带来了经验和愿景 education. UNC is pleased to introduce Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences Jared Stallones, PhD; Dean of the College of Natural Health and Sciences Kamel Haddad, PhD; and Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts Cristina Goletti, PhD.

Jared Stallones
Jared Stallones, PhD

Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Science

Jared Stallones, the new dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at UNC, wants to get inside your head.

From his years as a PreK-12 educator, Stallones learned the importance of tapping into students’ natural interests to inspire their learning. “There’s nothing more fascinating than trying to figure out how people think and learn,” says Stallones.

叙述和个人兴趣对学习和影响教育的重要性 是什么促使史泰龙继续他的职业生涯 in education and reinvent the way he taught his students. “I always wanted students to be able to answer the question, ‘Why are we learning this?’ so I tried to include an answer to that question in every lesson I taught. Relevance matters.” 

史泰龙的家族血统是教育,但出于无奈,他选择了这一职业 凭借自己的求学经历和强烈的求知欲,提高自己的学习经验 for others. “I’m now in a position to do that on a wider scale,” he says.

在肯塔基大学期间,史泰龙学到了很多博天堂官方网站农村教育的知识, 补充道 他在加州州立理工博天堂官方的城市学校里所获得的东西 University-Pomona and Long Beach State. He’s greatly looking forward to working closely 与博天堂官方丹佛城市教育中心和农村教育中心合作 that operates throughout the state.

史泰龙对教育史有着独特的热情,他把这种热情融入了自己的作品中 approach as an educator and leader. He has authored four books and more than 65 articles and presentations on education history, biography and philosophy. He also serves as 教育书籍系列的历史编辑,并撰写和/或管理赠款 funded at nearly $6 million.

史泰龙是一个真正的历史学生,他正在为自己和学院开辟一条道路 reflecting on what we have learned in the last 18 months from the pandemic. “We have 吸取过去一年半的经验教训,真正集中精力 因为如果我们现在不做,我们就会讨论同样的问题 inequities in education 50 years from now,” he says.

史泰龙的教育理论建立在社区参与的基础上. “One of the things I’ve learned is how to support faculty in engaging their local schools and communities,” says Stallones. “We can’t do an adequate job of preparing 教师,学校管理人员,辅导员,或心理健康专业人士没有 在 社区,了解他们的需求和观点 challenges lie.”

史泰龙在这些对话中强调了文化谦逊的必要性 community and he hopes to establish and inspire many “rich collaborations” in his time as dean.

“We have a lot of work to do, and the key is doing it together.” 

Kamel Haddad
Kamel Haddad, PhD

Dean of the College of Natural Health and Sciences 

Kamel Haddad’s second semester of his freshman year of college was interrupted by war. Actual war. While attending the American University of Beirut, the college closed 哈达德和他的父母在枪林弹雨中逃离了他的祖国黎巴嫩 for the United States. Haddad knew nothing else than to follow in the footsteps of his uncle already in the U.S., and enrolled in electrical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. There, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and went on to earn his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Maryland.

“Math has always been second nature to me,” says Haddad. “My mother is a middle school 我爸爸是一名高中的数学老师和化学老师,所以教学也有 been in my blood from a young age.” Haddad remembers coming back from school and sitting 在餐桌上,他的父母在同一张桌子上辅导学生.

在加入博天堂官方之前,哈达德是加州大学的数学教授 State University San Marcos (CSUSM) with a special assignment as a consultant for 科学、技术、工程和管理学院的学生成功计划 Mathematics.

由于血液中流淌着教书的血液,哈达德被博天堂官方在数学方面的良好声誉所吸引 emphasis on pedagogy. “UNC values teaching pedagogy and the content area equally,” says Haddad. “That is one of the things that attracted me to this university.”

As dean of NHS, Haddad aims to continue the teacher-scholar model already at work in the college. “In this model, teaching informs research and research informs teaching and we engage our students as research scholars even at the undergraduate level. We make sure that our pedagogy is informed by the research model.”

Haddad lists the strength of the faculty as another factor that drew him to UNC. “Their 我们的资质无与伦比,学院的基础也很强大,这让我们有了支点 more easily when necessary,” says Haddad. He stressed the importance of pivoting because “higher education is at a crossroads right now. Enrollment trends are down in Colorado 在全国大部分地区,能够从这种衰退中反弹 在博天堂官方方式上有别于其他区域性公立综合学校 universities is essential.”

哈达德设想学院的课程是响应区域需求和 国家劳动力趋势和希望参与大学教师,学生和管理 in exploring how best to do that.

他对这所大学的兴奋和对学院的愿景围绕着两个词: students first. “Our current student population is prepared differently than they were 20 years ago or 30 years ago,” says Haddad. “We can no longer expect them to change their learning style to our teaching style. We need to adapt.”

He wants to identify and remove operational barriers to student advancement. “Not every barrier is a learning or teaching style barrier,” says Haddad. “Some barriers 机构使用的程序是否可以加强或删除,如果它们有阻碍 student success.” A mathematician at heart, Haddad plans to explore and address these issues with a data-driven approach. 

Cristina Goletti
Cristina Goletti 

Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts 

Cristina Goletti believes she has the best job in the world. And she would be the one to know. 

仅仅看一下戈莱蒂的简历,你就会觉得自己好像游历了一圈 the world. The new dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts has danced her way from a dance conservatory in London, to dance companies in Ireland, to faculty 在墨西哥,德克萨斯州埃尔帕索的格兰德河河岸,找到了她 way back to Colorado to the halls of UNC.

戈莱蒂的背景编织了一幅地方、观点和舞蹈风格的挂毯 which reflect the interdisciplinary nature of her approach to the arts. While at the 在德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校,Goletti加入了工程+艺术+科学=社会影响 (EASSI), an interdisciplinary research group, and was granted start-up funding and the use of space at UTEP’s new interdisciplinary building. Her research interests 涉及舞蹈教学,跨学科即兴表演实践和酷儿 and migration studies.

“我希望继续强调博天堂官方各学院之间的跨学科合作。” says Goletti. “We all have great ideas about how we can work together. There are many 共同点,我们可以为学生创造跨学科的机会 and faculty.”

戈莱蒂希望创建类似智库或实验室的组织,让人们从那里来 不同的背景可以走到一起来理解重要的社会,经济和 文化问题通过不同的视角,包括利用艺术方法 as a way to create real-life solutions.

Goletti喜欢的一句话是 “艺术是最安全的地方,却有最危险的东西 conversations.”

“Because we are performing fiction, we are fictionalizing reality. We are creating a fictional world where we can have difficult conversations,” she says. “I want to 为学生创造一个安全的空间来玩耍,失败,实验和拥有 meaningful conversations.”

Goletti thinks this approach is a priority for the new group of faculty coming to UNC. “We want to be rowing not drifting. We want to be deliberate and visionary in our academic offering. We hope to be innovative and student-focused, which means providing students of all disciplines the best opportunities,” says Goletti.

创造这种跨学科的艺术方法的基础是基于 the unifying nature of art itself. “There’s something really beautiful about experiencing art together,” says Goletti. “Another quote I love is ‘We sit together in the dark to know how to love each other in the light.’ We sit together in the dark, listening 去听音乐,去看演出,或者去参加展览,这样我们就能知道如何生活 with, and maybe love, one another in the light.”

“我的热情在于高等教育中的艺术教育,并倡导艺术学位, 无论是表演还是技术还是更多的学术和学术关注. 学习艺术是如此重要和基础的学位,所以我真的很有激情 about the reason why there are arts degrees.”

While Goletti loves to discuss the implications of studying and observing art, she is dedicated to practical student success. She wants to encourage students to experiment and follow their dreams while getting the necessary skill-based training to excel as artists in the 21st century.

根据戈莱蒂的说法,很少有一所大学纯粹致力于艺术 (as they are often combined with sciences or humanities). While she respects and admires those other disciplines, Goletti has always thought that she would be best suited 为了一个角色,她可以成为艺术的代言人,而不是其他学科的代言人. “博天堂官方不仅有一所艺术学院,他们还有一所优秀、扎实的艺术学院 a lot of history, tradition, and excellence in many areas.”  UNC

–By Laura Veith 
–Photgraphy by Woody Myers