



Are you looking to challenge yourself and want to become a better problem solver in 世界? The University 荣誉项目s are designed to foster outstanding students by providing a small community of intellectually-challenging peers with extra faculty attention and the tools to learn how to think critically and make connections between disciplines and then how to dive deep into today’s problems, issues and cutting edge 研究挑战.



罗纳德·E. 麦克奈尔 Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program is a federal TRIO program designed to provide undergraduate students with effective preparation for graduate-level study through 研究 and scholarly activities, summer internships, seminars and workshops, mentoring, and assistance with graduate school admission processes. 麦克奈尔 participants are either first-generation college students with financial need or members of a group traditionally underrepresented in graduate education, and have demonstrated strong academic potential.


Office of 本科研究

The Office of 本科研究 (OUR) provides support and recognition for undergraduate student 研究 and creative endeavors for all Colleges at the University of Northern Colorado, furthering the University's goals for active learning, creativity, and original 研究.



军队参加后备役军官训练军团 is one of the best leadership courses in the country and is part of your 大学课程. During classes, leadership labs, physical training and field training exercises, you will learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups, and conduct missions as an Officer in the Army. Upon graduation from 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 you will earn the bar of a Second Lieutenant and be commissioned into the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard.



Detachment 90 is an Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program based out of Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.  我们的节目准备 young men and women to become officers in 世界s greatest Air Force.


国家奖学金 & 奖学金

Students in 荣誉 programs and colleges have a great many scholarship and fellowship opportunities available to them. On the undergraduate level, scholarships are offered by a wide variety of institutions and organizations, ranging from employers and civic institutions to fraternal organizations and individual bequests. 在研究生阶段, scholarships and fellowships are available from academic departments, foundations, and government agencies. Students should consult their 荣誉 program or college office, their major department, and their campus financial aid office for more information.



Recognizing the profound role of media in shaping students’ perceptions of other cultures, Soliya trains participating students to critically analyze, create and exchange video segments illustrating their perspectives on world events. Through opportunities for cross‐cultural dialogue and collaboration, Soliya students examine and expand their own knowledge and perspectives about the “Other,” democracy, and intersections and contrasts among their own histories and religious and cultural traditions. 此外, by developing an engaged, global network of young adults, the Soliya连接 Program entices and equips college students to play a constructive role in creating a more informed, just and peaceful global society.


Interdisciplinary Studies

The Bachelor of 艺术 degree in Interdisciplinary Studies enables undergraduate students to pursue an interdisciplinary theme of study they design in substitution for the 传统的主要. Each student pursuing this major works with two faculty advisors who assist in constructing a program of study that will meet the student’s objectives. This program affords students the opportunity to pursue topics of study tailored to meet their individual interests and needs.